• Homeopathy for Children and Moms Rina Amir Orlando Florida

Homeopathy for Children Orlando Florida

Homeopathy for Children is located in Central Florida in Orlando area and we focus on Homeopathic treatment of children and mothers.
We provide help for you and your child for any kind of mental, emotional or physical concern.

Homeopathy has demonstrated incredible effectiveness in treating people of all ages for over 200 years! 

  1. Physical Ailments
  2. Mental/Emotional Ailments

Please contact Homeopathy for Children via email with questions about you or your child's specific problems and I will be happy to speak with you regarding how we can help.
Subscribe to our email list here 


Childhood Conditions Treated with Homeopathy

There are very few conditions where homeopathy does not heal, greatly improve, or bring considerable relief. Many diseases for which there is “no cure” respond very well to homeopathic medicine. By addressing the person as a whole, homeopathy can treat a wide variety of ailments, diseases and symptoms. Homeopathy works well with short term acute illnesses such as the flu, as well as chronic conditions. The following is a list of chronic complaints most people will bring to Homeopathic Associates for assistance.

  1. Natural Treatment for ADHD / ADD
  2. Natural Treatment for Behavior Problems
  3. Natural Treatment for Autism
  4. Natural Treatment for Failure To Thrive / Grow
  5. Natural Treatment for Ear Infections
  6. Natural Treatment for Respiratory Infections
  1. Natural Treatment for Allergies & Hayfever
  2. Natural Treatment for Digestion Problems
  3. Natural Treatment for Heavy Metal Toxicity
  4. Natural Treatment for Tonsillitis
  5. Natural Treatment for Infants
  6. Natural Treatment for Pregnancy Issues