Failure To Thrive /Failure to Grow is defined as arrested physical growth where height and weight measurements fall below the fifth percentile. It is important to know that there is help and a natural treatment for failure to thrive available for your child – Homeopathy.
Also associated with Failure To Thrive can be hair loss, bed wetting, lack of focus, anger issues, increased fears, irritability, lethargy, autism, weakness, lack of appetite, poor stamina, poor coordination etc.
Most common related symptoms are abdominal pain, abdominal distension and gas, often very foul smelling, vomiting/diarrhea and lack of stamina. These symptoms will generally indicate problems that exist when food is not properly assimilated into your child’s body.
There are many factors contributing to Failure To Thrive:
In addition, although a poor appetite is very often associated with failure to thrive, many children with Failure To Thrive have good appetites and actually eat quite well. Ultimately, the problem is that their bodies are not properly assimilating the calories and nutrients they consume in order to achieve proper growth. This is where homeopathy can help! Homeopathic remedies can bring the digestive system back into balance so nutrients are better absorbed by your child, paving the way to best health.
At Homeopathy For Children, the remedies address the underlying causes and enable your child to bring his body back into balance with his eating habits and more importantly this: better food assimilation of nutrients for a natural treatment for failure to thrive for children. Many underweight children eat pretty well, sometimes even more than other kids, but the food is simply not being assimilated into their bodies. The homeopathic remedies can enable better absorption of food, resulting in a growth spurt and then a healthier growth pattern.
Generally when children are on the correct homeopathic medicines for even a brief period of time at the beginning of treatment, their moms will almost always say “He looks sturdier” or “She’s outgrowing her clothes really fast” or “He can run around like the other kids do and not get tired anymore.” The bottom line is that parents will simply say “He just looks better” or “Her old sparkle is back.” Failure to gain weight is very often one of the more satisfying and easily resolved situations that I see in my practice.
Additionally, when food is properly assimilated and your child has grown to the size he or she needs to be, they will have more stamina and more resistance to illnesses and infections. Going forward in life your child will be a stronger, healthier and happier person.
Pamela Swanson RN CCH RSHom(NA) C.HP Homeopath is located in Orlando, Florida; specializes in homeopathy for children. She welcomes guests from throughout Central Florida who are in need of homeopathic treatment for failure to thrive in children. For a no obligation 15 minute consult on what homeopathy could do for your child, please contact Pamela Swanson.